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Gentis Polónae | 2018 | TB & organ | 5'

St. John Cantius | O Glory of the Polish race...


This Vespers hymn of St. John Cantius is here set as an alternatim between the Gregorian chant and a newly composed setting of the text.  This piece was written and premiered for the ceremony of Tonsure during the Fall of 2018 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.  On this recording the organ improvises during the chant (odd) verses.   (organist-Adrian Fyda)  

premiered:  Fall 2018 |  Polyphonic Choir of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary



GENTIS Polonae gloria,

Clerique splendor nobilis,

Decus Lycaei, et patriae

Pater, Joannes inclyte.


2. Legem superni Numinis

Doces magister, et facis.

Nil scire prodest: sedulo

Legem nitamur exsequi.


3. Apostolorum limina

Pedes viator visitas;

Ad patriam, ad quam tendimus,

Gressus viamque dirige.


4. Urbem petis Jerusalem:

Signata sacro sanguine

Christi colis vestigia,

Rigasque fusis fletibus.



5. Acerba Christi vulnera,

Haerete nostris cordibus,

Ut cogitemus consequi

Redemptionis pretium.


6. Te prona mundi machina,

Clemens adoret Trinitas,

Et nos novi per gratiam

Novum canamus canticum.

Vesper Hymn

Oct. 20

St. John Cantius

Roman Breviary

O GLORY of the Polish race,

splendor of the priestly band,

Whose lore did thy Lyceum grace,

John, father of the fatherland.


2. The Law of the supernal Will

Thou teachest both in word and deed;

Knowledge is naught — we must fulfill

In works, not barren words, our creed !


3. On foot to Apostolic Rome

Thy pilgrim spirit joyful hied;

Oh, to our everlasting home

The path declare, the footstep guide!


4. Again, in Sion's holy street,

Anew thou wet'st with tearful flood

The pathway of the Saviour's feet

Erst wet with His redeeming Blood.


5. O sweet and bitter Wounds of Christ,

Deep in our hearts imprinted stay,

That the blest fruit the sacrificed

Redeemer gained, be ours for aye!


6. Then let the world obeisance due

Perform, O God, to Thy high Will;

And let our souls, by grace made new,

Sing to Thee a new canticle!

Translation: E. Caswall 1873

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