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For Digital Renaissance Polyphonic Scores

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Audi Benigne Conditor  |  Thermignon  |  TTB a cappella alternatim |  2 -4'

This easily learnable Lenten Vespers alternatim hymn (to accompany the plainchant verses) by Delfino Thermignon (1861-1944) from the Secunda anthologia vocalis, n. 20 1903 is here carefully edited and set for verses two and four with an optional Amen. 


Your purchase licenses you to print as many copies as needed for your parish.  Also available in SSA.  Please send me a message before ordering.

This carefully researched, beautifully engraved, and optimally arranged score will save you hours of preparation and rehearsal time, and be a joy for your singers to use.

I offer make it availble to you, so that you can spend less time at the computer and more time making music.


Thank you for supporting my work! 


Audi Benigne Conditor | Thermignon | TTB a cappella alternatim | 2 -4'

  • O merciful Creator, hear;

    In tender pity bow Thine ear:

    Accept the tearful prayer we raise

    In this our fast of forty days.


    Each heart is manifest to Thee;

    Thou knowest our infirmity:

    Repentant now we seek Thy face;

    Impart to us Thy pardoning grace.


    Our sins are manifold and sore,

    But spare Thou them who sin deplore;

    And for Thine own Name’s sake make whole

    The fainting and the weary soul.


    Grant us to mortify each sense

    By means of outward abstinence,

    That so from every stain of sin

    The soul may keep her fast within.


    Blest Three in One, and One in Three

    Almighty God, we pray to Thee,

    That Thou wouldst now vouchsafe to bless

    Our fast with fruits of righteousness


    Translation by John Mason Neale

recording and perusal score


Perusal Score

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