This is part of an ongoing series of equal-voice fauxbourdons designed to accompany antiphons and psalmody for both the Mass and the Divine Office.
These are easily adaptable for a schola of any size. Sing a few verses with the Gloria Patri or all the verses depending on the time needed for the distribution of communion and its procession. The antiphonal nature along with the mix of plainchant and polyphony are sure to make any liturgy all the more solemn and prayerful.
Need this set to a different Communio text or for SSA or ATB? Contact me and we'll make it happen.
Tone 8 (TTB) Communio fauxbourdon: Responsum_Nunc dimittis | 2022
Lk 2: 26; 29-32 | Ps. 47; 2-3
He had received an answer from the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Christ of the Lord.
1. Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word in peace;
2. Because my eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples:
3. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
4. Great is the Lord, and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, in his holy mountain.
5. With the joy of the whole earth is mount Sion founded, on the sides of the north, the city of the great king.